Dima, M., & Daylamani-Zad, D. (2024). Intelligent Immersion: The current landscape of AI tools in the Mixed Reality development pipeline for creative experiences. Revista De La Asociación Española De Investigación De La Comunicación, 11(Especial), raeic11e01.
Dima M. , Saridaki M. Where the Magic is: Ceremonial magic as a Design Perspective for Mixed Reality Immersive Experiences. In Fictional Practices of Spirituality I Interactive Media. Editors: Schniz F, Marcato L . I. Transcript Publishing, 27 Nov 2023
Dima M. A Design Framework for Smart Glass Augmented Reality Experiences in Heritage Sites Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Dima M, Xanthaki A, Deniozou T, Luoma C. The Rights Hero - Serious Games for Human Rights Education and Integration of Migrant and Refugee Children in Europe International Journal of Children's Rights 30(1):41-71 01 Jan 2022
Dima M, Maples H. Affectual Dramaturgy for Augmented Reality Immersive Heritage Performance Body, Space & Technology 20(1):25-36 05 Mar 2021
Deniozou T, Dima M, Cox C. Designing a Game to Help Higher Education Students Develop Their Note-Taking Skills ACM CHI Play, Virtual, 02 Nov 2020 - 05 Nov 2020. CHI PLAY '20: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 181-192. 02 Nov 2020 View here:BURA
Dima M. Sutton House Stories: Augmented Reality Experience Design Through the Lenses of Dramaturgy. This manuscript was going to be published in a volume that ended up not being published. I offer the edited but not polished manuscript here as the insights are hopefully useful. If you use it please reference it through its url.
Dima M, Cantinho B. Erehwon: A Digital Platform for Empowering Sociopolitical Interventions in Public Space‘ In Global Cultures of Contestation Mobility, Sustainability, Aesthetics & Connectivity. Editors: Pereen, E., Celikates, R., de Kloet, J., Poell, Th. 241-262. Palgrave Macmillan
​Terracciano A, Dima M, Carulli M, Bordegoni M. Mapping Memory Routes: a Multisensory Interface for Sensorial Urbanism and Critical Heritage Studies CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 353-356
Dima M, Kastilo L, Narasimhan N. Women who code for social change In Engineering the Future Digital Design Weekend 2016. Editors: Papadimitriou, Irini, Prescott, Andrew, Rogers, Jon. Uniform Communications Ltd.
Dima M. Value and Audience Relationships: Tate’s Ticketed Exhibitions 2014–15 Tate Papers 01 Mar 2016
Dima M, Hurcombe L, Wright M. Touching the past: Haptic Augmented Reality for Museum Artefacts HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 22 Jun 2014 - 27 Jun 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8526: 3-14. 28 Feb 2014
Dima M. Eengaging theatre audiences before the play: The design of playful interactive storytelling experiences ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Latest Talks
UX for Mixed Reality. AXA UX Summit, Barcelona
Mariza Dima, Maria Saridaki. Learning from Witches: Applying The Transformative Power of Occult Ceremonial Rituals to Extended Reality Design. Zip Scene conference, 9-12 July 2022, Budapest
Mariza Dima. Gamification and collaborative creation in remote educational interactions. Early Fall School of Semiotics, 6-10 Sept 2022, Sozopol Bugaria
Deniozou T, Dima M. Developing and Piloting a Remote Design Model to Boost Interdisciplinary co-Learning, Motivation and Creativity Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Northumbria University, Newcastle, 05 Jul 2022 - 07 Jul 2022
Mariza Dima, Maria Saridaki. ENTANGLEMENTS OF MAGIC, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE BODY. Panel discussion. The Witch Institute Conference
Dima M. A design framework for developing Mixed Reality applications in cultural heritage sites Zip Scene, Budapest, 10 Nov 2019 - 13 Nov 2019