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Sutton House Stories | 2019

A smart glass AR experience of a historic house

In Sutton House Stories I explore affective storytelling for situated learning in the cultural heritage context. I collaborated with National Trust - Sutton House, a Tudor house in Hackney and an important place of history in central London, and developers Fracture Reality and Mnemoscene. The video above demonstrates some of the content the viewer interacts with navigating the Great Chamber of Sutton House. They are guided by the voices of three people who used to live in the house from the first world war going back to the Tudor era when the house was first built. Through this research I am developing a framework for designing smart glass Augmented Reality experiences.

On 03/06/20 I held an online Symposium on Mixed Reality in Cultural Heritage. 42 attendees across heritage, MR development and design, and academia discussed current challenges and opportunities in developing MR experiences for the cultural sector. A summary of things discussed is here. 


An account of the design process can be found here.

Project Gallery

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